A-ㄴ/은가 보다, V-나 보다=I guess or I assume or I must be
17.09.2023 | You Love Korean | 0 Comments
1. Detail Explanation
- An expression used to guess about a fact mentioned in the preceding statement.
- Both 나 보다 and (으)ㄴ가 보다 mean "I guess" or "I assume" or "I must be"
- A-ㄴ/은가 보다, V-나 보다 grammar can be replaced by A-(으)ㄴ 것 같다, V-는 것 같다
2. This tackes three forms:
a. '나 보다' is added to verbs.
가다 | 가나 보다 | 갔나 보다 |
먹다 | 먹나 보다 | 먹었나 보다 |
만들다 | 만드나 보다 | 만들었나 보다 |
공부하다 | 공부하나 보다 | 공부했나 보다 |
있다 | 있나 보다 | 있었나 보다 |
없다 | 없나 보다 | 없었나 보다 |
'(으)ㄴ가 보다' is added to adjectives.
아프다 | 아픈가 보다 |
작다 | 작은가 보다 |
크다 | 큰가 보다 |
많다 | 많은가 보다 |
길다 | 긴가 보다 |
덥다 | 더운가 보다 |
'인가 보다' is added to noun.
의사 | 의사인가 보다 |
학생 | 학생인가 보다 |
사람 | 사람인가 보다 |
3. Example
1.아빠가 피곤한가 봐요.
- Dad must be tired.
- Dad must be tired.
2.부장님은 전화 안 받아서 바쁜가 봐요.
- The manager must be busy because he didn't answer the phone.
- The manager must be busy because he didn't answer the phone.
3.세존 씨는 매일 커피를 마시네요. 커피를 좋아하나 봐요.
- Sejun drinks coffee everyday. I guess he likes coffee.
- Sejun drinks coffee everyday. I guess he likes coffee.
4.학생들 성적이 많이 떨어졌네요. 시험 문제가 어려운가 봐요.
- Student's grades have dropped a lot. I guess the test questions are difficult.
- Student's grades have dropped a lot. I guess the test questions are difficult.
5.그 여자가 책을 들고 도서관에 들어갔어요. 아마 학생인가 봐요.
- The woman went into the library carrying a book. She must be a student.
- The woman went into the library carrying a book. She must be a student.
6.밖에 날씨가 추운가 봐요. 들어오는 사람마다 따뜻한 것을 찾아요.
- Beceaus the door is open, I guess the performance hasn't started yet.
- Beceaus the door is open, I guess the performance hasn't started yet.
7.문이 열려 있는 것들 보니까 아직 공연 시작을 안 했나 봐요.
- To be healthy, do some exercise instead of eating only vegetables.
- To be healthy, do some exercise instead of eating only vegetables.
8.가: 요즘 저 드라마 인기가 많은가 봐요. 사람들이 모두 저것만 보던데요.
- That drama seems to be very popular these days. Everyone was just looking at that.
- That drama seems to be very popular these days. Everyone was just looking at that.
나: 네, 맞아요. 저 드라마가 요즘 시청률 1위래요.
- yes that's right. That drama is ranked #1 in viewer ratings these days.
- yes that's right. That drama is ranked #1 in viewer ratings these days.
9.가: 왜 민지 씨가 학교에 안 와요?
- Why isn't Minji coming to school?
- Why isn't Minji coming to school?
나: 아픈가 봐요. 어제 비가 젖었대요.
- I guess he's sick. He said it rained yesterday's rain wet.
- I guess he's sick. He said it rained yesterday's rain wet.