- 겠~=I will, I intend to
23.09.2023 | You Love Korean | 0 Comments
1. Usage
* '겠' attaches after an adjectiv / a verb stem.
1. This Grammar use to expressing the speaker plan to do or will to do action.
- It is mean that "I will", "I intend to"
Ex. 일을 열심히 하겠습니다.
I will work hard.
2. sometime when you are making a guess or express sentences ralated to assumptions.
It is mean that "I bet", "I guess" , "It seems"
Ex. 다음 주에 생일파티에 가겠습니다.
I guess I can go to party.
3. when the verb or adjective ending by vowel or consonant add -겠습니다 / -겠어요.
~겠습니다 | ~겠어요 | |
가다 | 가겠습니다 | 가겠어요 |
사다 | 사겠습니다 | 사겠어요 |
찾다 | 찾겠습니다 | 찾겠어요 |
좋다 | 좋겠습니다 | 좋겠어요 |
어렵다 | 어렵겠습니다 | 어렵겠어요 |
피곤하다 | 피곤하겠습니다 | 피곤하겠어요 |
재미있다 | 재미있겠습니다 | 재미있겠어요 |
3. Example
1. 다음 달부터 회사에 취직하겠습니다.
- I will start to work from next month.
- I will start to work from next month.
2. 하늘에 구름이 많아요. 곧 비가 오겠습니다.
- There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It will rain soon
- There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It will rain soon
3. 고기압의 영향으로 당분간은 건조한 날씨가 계속되겠습니다.
- Dry weather will continue for some time due to the influence
- Dry weather will continue for some time due to the influence
4. 올해 저는 열심히 운동하겠어요.
- I will work out hard this year.
- I will work out hard this year.
5. 올해에는 더 열심히 공부하겠어요.
- I will study harder this year.
- I will study harder this year.
6. 올해에는 운전면허증을 꼭 따겠어요.
- I will definitely get a driver's license this year.
- I will definitely get a driver's license this year.
7. 선생님, 숙제를 내일까지 꼭 내겠습니다.
- Teacher, I think, I will submit my homework by tomorrow.
- Teacher, I think, I will submit my homework by tomorrow.
8. 죄송합니다. (제가) 내일은 절대 늦지 않겠습니다.
- I'm sorry, I'll never be late tomorrow.
- I'm sorry, I'll never be late tomorrow.
8. 죄송합니다. (제가) 내일은 절대 늦지 않겠습니다.
- I'm sorry, I'll never be late tomorrow.
- I'm sorry, I'll never be late tomorrow.
9. 회의 자료는 제가 준비하겠습니다.
- I will be prepare meeting document.
- I will be prepare meeting document.
10. 가: 친구들이랑 제주도에 놀러 갈 거예요.
- I'm going to Jeju Island with my friend.
- I'm going to Jeju Island with my friend.
나: 우와, 좋겠어요.
- It sounds nice.
- It sounds nice.