안 A/V아/어요 (A/V지 않다)=Negative Expression Do not, Don't
27.08.2023 | You Love Korean | 0 Comments
1. Detail Explanation
- “안 A/V아/어요” is added to verbs or adjectives to negate an action or state. It approximates to “not” in English. It is formed by adding “안” to the front of verbs and adjectives or -지 않다 to the end of verb and adjective stems.
- We can use in front of the verb or in the middle of the verb. Words like: N안 하다.
- “A/V지 않다” is added directly to verbs or adjectives.
V/A Base | 안 V/A | V/A지 않다 | V/A지 않다 |
가다 | 안 가요 | 가지 않아요 | don't go |
먹다 | 안 먹어요 | 먹지 않아요 | don't eat |
오다 | 안 와요 | 오지 않아요 | don't come |
다니다 | 안 다녀요 | 다니지 않아요 | don't go and come |
앉다 | 안 않아요 | 않지 않아요 | don't sit |
예쁘다 | 안 예뻐요 | 예쁘지 않아요 | don't beautiful |
나쁘다 | 안 나빠요 | 나쁘지 않아요 | don't bad |
강하다 | 안 강해요 | 강하지 않아요 | don't strong |
크다 | 안 커요 | 크지 않아요 | don't big |
공부하다 | 공부를 안 해요 | 공부하지 않아요 | don't study |
운동하다 | 운동을 안 해요 | 운동하지 않아요 | don't exercise |
요리하다 | 요리를 안 해요 | 요리하지 않아요 | don't cook |
수영하다 | 수영을 안 해요 | 수영하지 않아요 | don't swim |
2. Examples:
1. 매운 음식을 안 먹어요/매운 음식을 먹지 않아요.
I don't eat spicy food.
I don't eat spicy food.
2. 축구를 안 해요/ 축구를 하지 않아요.
I don't play soccer.
I don't play soccer.
3. 이번 방학때 한국에서 여행해요?
Are you traveling in Korea during this vacation?
Are you traveling in Korea during this vacation?
- 아니요. 한국에서 여행하지 않아요.
No, I don't travel in Korea.
No, I don't travel in Korea.
4. 토요일에 등산에 가요?
Do you go hiking on Saturday?
Do you go hiking on Saturday?
- 아니요. 토요일에 등산에 가지 않아요.
No, I don't go hiking on Saturday.
No, I don't go hiking on Saturday.
5. 회사에 버스를 타고 가요?
Do you take a bus to work?
Do you take a bus to work?
- 아니요. 회사에 버스를 타고 안 가요. 치하절를 타고 가요.
No, I don't go to work by bus. Let's go on the Chih-Hae Festival.
No, I don't go to work by bus. Let's go on the Chih-Hae Festival.
6. 직접 음식을 요리해요?
Do you cook your own food?
Do you cook your own food?
아니요. 직접 음식 요리를 안 해요.
No, I don't cook my own food.
No, I don't cook my own food.
7. 커피를 마셔요?
Do you drink coffee?
Do you drink coffee?
아니요. 커피를 안 마셔요.물만 마셔요.
No, I don't drink coffee.I only drink water.
No, I don't drink coffee.I only drink water.