-는/(으)ㄴ=Present tense modifier
09.09.2023 | You Love Korean | 0 Comments
1. Detail Explanation
1. –는/(으)느 is attached to a verb, an adjective or ‘noun +이다’ and used to modify a following noun, indicating a current action or state.
가: 어떤 날씨를 좋아해요?
What kind of weather do you like?
What kind of weather do you like?
나: 저는 흐린 날씨를 좋아해요.
I like cloudy weather.
I like cloudy weather.
2. This takes three forms.
a. For the verb stem or the adjective stem ending with 있다/없다, -는 is used.
가다 | 자주 가는 곳 | Place that I often go |
만나다 | 자주 만나는 사람 | People that I meet often |
먹다 | 자주 먹는 음식 | food that I eat often |
재미있다 | 재미있는 드라마 | Drama that I’m interesting |
팔다 | 파는 옷 | Clothe that I sale |
b. If the adjective stem ends in a vowel orㄹ, -ㄴ is used.
피곤하다 | 피곤한 얼골 | tired face |
크다 | 큰 건물 | large building |
예쁘다 | 예쁜 아이 | pretty child |
바쁘다 | 바쁜 사람 | busy person |
길다 | 긴 강 | long river |
c. If the adjective stem ends in a consonant other than ㄹ, -은 is used.
맵다 | 매운 음식 | spicy food |
좋다 | 좋은 사람 | Good Person |
3. Example
1. 제가 좋아하는 드라마가 끝났어요.
- The drama that I like is finished.
- The drama that I like is finished.
2. 미준을 사랑하는 사람들의 모임입니다.
- This is a group for people who
- This is a group for people who
3. 회사에서 집에 가는 길에 영화관이 있어요.
- There is a theater on the way home from work
- There is a theater on the way home from work
4. 추운 날씨가 되면 군고마가 먹고 싶어요.
- I want to eat grilled sweet potatoes when it gets cold.
- I want to eat grilled sweet potatoes when it gets cold.
5. 가: 비가 오는 날에는 김치찌개를 먹고 싶어요.
- I want to eat kimchi stew on a rainy day
- I want to eat kimchi stew on a rainy day
나: 그럼, 김치찌개를 먹으러 가요.
- so, let's go eat kimchi stew.
- so, let's go eat kimchi stew.
6.나: 사진을 찍으러 자주 가요?
- I go to take pictures often
- I go to take pictures often
가: 네, 이렇게 날씨가 좋은 날에는 꼭 가요.
- Yes, I always go on a fine day like this.
- Yes, I always go on a fine day like this.
7.나: 오늘 날씨가 좋지요?
- The weather is nice today, right?
- The weather is nice today, right?
가: 네, 그런데 저는 바람이 부는 날씨를 좋아해요.
- Yes, but I like windy weather.
- Yes, but I like windy weather.
8.나: 점심 먹으러 갈래요?
- I want to go eat lunch
- I want to go eat lunch
가: 네, 좋아요. 우리 맛있는 걸 먹으러 가요.
- Yes, good. Let's go eat something delicious
- Yes, good. Let's go eat something delicious
9.나: 어떤 날씨를 좋아해요?
- What kind of weather do you like
- What kind of weather do you like
가: 더운 날씨를 좋아해요.
- I like hot weather.
- I like hot weather.
10.나: 어떤 사람을 좋아해요?
- What kind of person do you like?
- What kind of person do you like?
가: 예쁜 사람하고 친전한 사람을 좋아해요.
- I like pretty people and close people.
- I like pretty people and close people.