- 가든요=because

23.09.2023   |   You Love Korean |  0 Comments

- 가든요-because

1. Detail Explanation
- "거든요" is given a reason or fact something that listener didn't know reason or fact for answer.
- It is used to provide background information before you did something or you didn't do something.
- It is meaning "because"
2. Usage
- use only conversation, only between close friend.
- use for reply answer only
- use in speaking, not use in writing
3. Form:
- 가든요
A/V 과거 -았/었거든요 가다 거든요
힘들다 힘들었거든요
현재 -거든요 자다 거든요
예쁘다 예쁘거든요
미래 / 추측 -(으)ㄹ 거거든요 먹다 을 거거든요
피곤하다 피곤할 거거든요
N이다 과거 였거든요
친구이다 친구였거든요
애인이다 애인이었거든요
현재 (ㅇ)거든요 확생이다 학생이거든요
의사이다 의사거든요
4. Examples:
1. 가: 왜 기분이 나빠요?
- Why do you feel bad?
나: 시험을 못 봤거든요.
- I didn't pass the test.
2. 가: 왜 지갑을 새로 샀어요?
- Why did you buy a new wallet?
나: 지갑을 오래 써서 낡았거든요.
- My wallet is worn out because I used it for a long time.
3. 가: 우리 점심에 뭘 먹을까요?
- What should we eat for lunch?
나: 아무거나 먹어요. 상관없거든요.
- Eat anything. It doesn't matter.
4. 가: 왜 부모님 선물을 사요?
- Why do you buy gifts for your parents?
나: 아르바이트비를 받았거든요.
- I got paid for my part-time job.
5. 가: 왜 립스틱을 발랐어요?
- Why did you put on lipstick?
나: 입술이 촉촉해지거든요.
- My lips moisturized
6. 가: 왜 옷을 교한해요?
- Why are you changing clothes?
나: 사이즈가 작거든요.
- Size's small.
7. 가: 왜 카드로 결제해요?
- Why do you pay with a credit card?
나: 돈을 안 가져 왔거든요.
- I didn't bring any money.
8. 가: 왜 고객 서비스 센터에 갔어요?
- Why did you go to the customer service center?
나: DSLR 카메라가 고장 났거든요.
- The DSLR camera is broken.
9. 가: 왜 홈쇼핑으로 옷을 샀어요?
- Why did you go to the customer service center?
나: 너무 바빠서 쇼핑할 시간이 없거든요.
- I'm so busy that I don't have time to shop.
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