A/V-(으)ㄹ걸요=probably, I think

20.08.2023   |   You Love Korean |  0 Comments

A/V-(으)ㄹ걸요-probably, I think


1. Usage :

- An expression used to indicate that the content of the preceding statement is the speaker’s opinion or guess = probably, I think, I bet
- A sentence-final ending used to indicate a guess or assumption
- Only use when speaker is privy to the information - if both people know the same information, can’t use it.
- weaker conviction than ~(으)ㄹ 거예요.
- Use among close friends and spoken form only ( not in written form)
2. Form:
A 과거 ~았/었을걸요 재미있다 재미있었을걸요
어렵다 어려웠을걸요
현재 ~(으)ㄹ 걸요 춥다 울걸요
좋다 을걸요
V 과거 ~았/었을걸요 돌아가다 돌아갔을걸요
마시다 마셨을걸요셨을걸요
현재 ~(으)ㄹ 걸요 공부하다 공부할걸요
시작하다 시작할 걸요
N 과거 ~였/이었을걸요 학생 학생이었을걸요
배우 배우이였을걸요
현재 일걸요 의사 의사일걸요
선생님 선생님일걸요
3. Examples:
1. 이 책은 외국 학생들이 읽기에 좀 쉬울걸요.
This book will be easy for foreign students to read.
2. 혹시 따라 씨 보셨어요?
- 아마 도서관에 있을걸요. 아까 도서관에 간다고 했거든요.
1. Have you ever seen Mr. Tara?
2. It's probably in the library. I said I was going to the library earlier.
3. 지난주말에 나라 씨가 등산을 했을까요?
- 아마 안 했을걸요. 예전에 등산이 싫은다고 했던 것 같아요.
1. Did Nara go hiking last weekend?
2. probably didn't I think she said before that she hates hiking.
4. 회사 앞에 있는 술집이 몇 시에 여는지 아세요?
- 아마 11시쯤 열걸요. 다른 술집들이 대부분 11시에 열거든요.
1. Do you know what time the bar in front of the company opens?
2. Probably open around 11. Most of the other bars open at 11:00.
5. 토니 씨가 지금 회사 있을까요?
- 아마 없을걸요. 이 시간에는 직원들이 퇴근했거든요.
1. Is Tony available now?
2. Probably not. Employees are off work at this time.
6. 토이 씨가 한국에서 살니까 교욕비가 비쌀걸요.
- Since Mr. Toy lives in Korea, school fees must be expensive.
7. 오늘은 눈이 내리니까 날씨가 너무 추울걸요.
- It's snowing today, so the weather must be very cold.
8. 부장님이 전화를 안 받으니까 아마 바빴을걸요.
- The manager didn't answer the phone, so he must have been busy.
9. 저 확생이 잘 생기고 공부도 잘하니까 인기가 많을걸요.
- He must be popular because he is handsome and studies well.
10. 추석때 사람들이 고향에 들어가니까 길이 너무 막힐걸요.
- As people return to their hometowns during Chuseok, the roads must be very congested.
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