N(이)네요 / VA네요=really, certainly, wow
04.09.2023 | You Love Korean | 0 Comments
1.Detail Explanation
– 네요 is attached to a verb, an adjective and ‘noun+이다’. It is an exclamatory ending that expresses surprise or exclamation at the moment when the speaker is talking about something.
- When agreeing with something said by someone else.
- It corresponds to ‘really’, ‘certainly’, ‘wow’ in English.
2. Adding after verb an adjective
1. 한국말을 절말 잘하시네요
- You're so good at Korean.
- You're so good at Korean.
2. 가족이 너무 크네요.
- Your family is too big.
- Your family is too big.
3. 책을 많이 읽었네요.
- You read a lot of books.
- You read a lot of books.
4. 이 드라마 재미있네요.
- This drama is fun.
- This drama is fun.
If the verb stem ends with ‘ㄹ’ final consonant, you drop ‘ㄹ’ and add -네요.
1. 이 기사가 굉장히 기네요.
- This article is very long.
- This article is very long.
2. 집에서 학교까지 너무 머네요.
- It's too far from home to school.
- It's too far from home to school.
3. 책을 많이 읽었네요.
- You read a lot of books.
- You read a lot of books.
4. 비싼 아파트에 사네요.
- You live in an expensive apartment.
- You live in an expensive apartment.
3. Adding after noun
A noun ending with a consonant, -이네(요) is added after the noun.
1. 저 사람은 학생이네요
- He's a student.
- He's a student.
2. 수진 씨의 비싼 책이네요.
- It's an expensive book by Soojin.
- It's an expensive book by Soojin.
3.벌써 퇴근시간이네요.
- It's already time to get off work.
- It's already time to get off work.
A noun ending with a vowel, -네(요) is added after the noun.
1.이거 BTS 노래네요
- This is a BTS song.
- This is a BTS song.
2.아직 5시네요.
- It's still five o'clock.
- It's still five o'clock.
3여기에 제주네요?
- It's Jeju here?
- It's Jeju here?
4. Examples:
가 : 우리 딸이 그린 그림인데 어때요.
- What do you think of this painting by my daughter?
- What do you think of this painting by my daughter?
나 : 정말 잘 그렸네요. 언제부터 그림을 배웠어요.
- She is really painted well! When did she start learning to paint?
- She is really painted well! When did she start learning to paint?
가: 아직 숙제 안 끝났어요?
- You’re not finished your homework yet?
- You’re not finished your homework yet?
나: 네, 시간이 많이 걸리네요.
- Yes, It’s taking a long time.
- Yes, It’s taking a long time.
가: 하늘 좀 보세요. 정말 아름다워요.
- Look at the sky. It's so beautiful.
- Look at the sky. It's so beautiful.
나: 네, 하늘이 정말 아름답네요.
- Yes, it is really beautiful.
- Yes, it is really beautiful.