A/V-(으)ㄹ텐데=I would imagine…. Or …must be true…
03.09.2023 | You Love Korean | 0 Comments
1. Detail Explanation
- Equivalent to “I would imagine….” Or “…must be true…”
- Combination of ~(으)ㄹ 터이다 (gives intention) and ~(으)ㄴ/는데 (expresses background info)
2. Usage
- (으)ㄹ 텐데 is used to express an expected or intended future situation, in which the 1st clause gives an intention or expectation an a future event, 2nd clause is either related or contrary to the 1st clause = would, suppose, must be ….(so/but)
- (으)ㄹ 텐데요 is used at the end of a sentence to express the speaker’s assumption about the situation being discussed = would, think that, suppose that….
3. Form:
A/V-(으)ㄹ 텐데 | ||||
A | 과거 | ~았/었은 텐데 | 작다 | 작았은 텐데 |
예쁘다 | 예뻤은 텐데 | |||
현재 | ~(으)ㄹ 텐데 | 바쁘다 | 바쁠 텐데 | |
높다 | 높을 텐데 | |||
V | 과거 | ~았/었은 텐데 | 출발하다 | 출발했은 텐데 |
수영하다 | 수영했은 텐데 | |||
현재 | ~(으)ㄹ 텐데 | 가다 | 갈 텐데 | |
먹다 | 먹을 텐데 | |||
N | 과거 | 였을/이었을 텐데 | 부자 | 부자였을 텐데 |
현재 | 일 텐데 | 학생 | 학생일 텐데 | |
의사 | 의사일 텐데 |
4. Examples:
1. 배고플 텐데 우리 점심을 먹으러 갈까요?
- You must be hungry. Shall we go eat lunch?
- You must be hungry. Shall we go eat lunch?
2. 주말에 비가 올 텐데요.
- It's going to rain this weekend.
- It's going to rain this weekend.
3. 안나씨 오늘 휴가일 텐데 같이 영화 보자고 할까요?
- Ms. Anna is on vacation today. Shall we go see a movie together?
- Ms. Anna is on vacation today. Shall we go see a movie together?
+ 과거
4. 일찍 출발했을 텐데 왜 늦데 왔어요?(V)
- You must have left early, but why did you come late?
- You must have left early, but why did you come late?
5. 기말시험에서 높은 점수를 받았을 텐데 왜 B를 줬어요?(V)
- Why did you give me a B if I got a high score on the final exam?
- Why did you give me a B if I got a high score on the final exam?
6. 택배를 못 받았어요? 큰 박스안에 있었을 텐데 꼭 찾을 수 있을 거예요.(N)
- You didn't get the package? It must have been in a big box. You'll find it
- You didn't get the package? It must have been in a big box. You'll find it
7. 내 전자척을 다 썻을 텐데 이제부터 디자인과 조판을 해야 합니다.(A)
- I'm going to use up my electronic chuck, but I have to design and make a composition from now on.
- I'm going to use up my electronic chuck, but I have to design and make a composition from now on.
8. 왜 이렇게 돈을 많이 받았어? 야근 안 했을 텐데요.(N)
- Why did you get so much money? I wouldn't have worked overtime
- Why did you get so much money? I wouldn't have worked overtime
9. 내 아이패드는 습기에 많이 노출됐을 텐데 괜찮아요.(A)
- My iPad must have been exposed to a lot of moisture, but it's okay.
- My iPad must have been exposed to a lot of moisture, but it's okay.
+ 현재
10. 밖이 습할 텐데 부채를 가지고 가요.(A)
- It must be humid outside, so take a fan with you.
- It must be humid outside, so take a fan with you.
11. 지금 팟캐스트를 다 준비할 텐데 꼭 다운로드 해주세요.(V)
- I will prepare all the podcasts now, so please download them.
- I will prepare all the podcasts now, so please download them.
12. 조금씩 조금씩 한국어가 익속해지고 있을 텐데 매일 공부하는 습관이 필요해요.(V)
- Your Korean must be getting used to it little by little, but you need to have a habit of studying every day
- Your Korean must be getting used to it little by little, but you need to have a habit of studying every day
13. 한국어 이력서를 완성할 텐데 네이버에서 검색하면 템프렛을 다운로드 받을 수 있다(A)
- I will complete my Korean resume, but if you search on Naver, you can download the tempret
- I will complete my Korean resume, but if you search on Naver, you can download the tempret
14. 내가 점심밥을 사 줄 텐데 항상 형님이 빨리 계산 해요.(V)
- I'll buy you lunch, but you always pay quickly
- I'll buy you lunch, but you always pay quickly
15. 옛날 트렌스포머 장난감 일 텐데 아주 가치있어요.(N)
- It's probably an old Transformer toy, but it's very valuable
- It's probably an old Transformer toy, but it's very valuable
More Examples:
16. 날씨가 좋았더라면 저는 등산에 갔을 텐데요.
- If the weather was nice, I would have gone hiking
- If the weather was nice, I would have gone hiking
17. 내가 돈이 있으면 비싼 가방이 샀을 텐데요.
- If I had money, an expensive bag would have bought it.
- If I had money, an expensive bag would have bought it.
18. 운동하느라 많이 힘들 텐데 물 좀 드세요.
- You must be having a hard time exercising, so drink some water.
- You must be having a hard time exercising, so drink some water.
19. 이 건물 높아서 사람들이 많이 살을 텐데요.
- This building is high, so many people will live there
- This building is high, so many people will live there
20. 일이 많아서 요즘 힘들 텐데 좀 여행을 하세요.
- You must be having a hard time these days because you have a lot of work to do, so please travel.
- You must be having a hard time these days because you have a lot of work to do, so please travel.
21. 밖이 추울 텐데 빨리 안으로 들어가세요.
- It's going to be cold outside. Go inside quickly.
- It's going to be cold outside. Go inside quickly.
22. 퇴근기간이라서 길이 막힐 텐데요.
- It's the work period, so the road will be blocked.
- It's the work period, so the road will be blocked.
23. 주말에 집에 혼자 있으면 심심할 텐데 같이 숍핑을 하세요.
- If you're alone at home on the weekend, you'll be bored. Let's go shopping together.
- If you're alone at home on the weekend, you'll be bored. Let's go shopping together.
24. 불고기는 너무 매울 텐데 삼겹살을 먹는게 어때요?
- Bulgogi must be too spicy, but how about eating samgyeopsal?
- Bulgogi must be too spicy, but how about eating samgyeopsal?
25. 비가 많이 내려서 길이 미끄럽을 텐데 좀 이다가 퇴근하세요.
- It's raining so much that the road will be slippery. Please come home later.
- It's raining so much that the road will be slippery. Please come home later.
26. 안아씨 자리에 없어서 커피를 마셨은 텐데요.
- I must have had coffee because, Anna wasn't there.
- I must have had coffee because, Anna wasn't there.